Championship 2018     (... go back to Archive)

The race in 2018 took place on January 26-27 in Trondheim, Norway.

Invitation for the 2018 race.
Results from the 2018 race.

Race director:Egil Aksnes (Asker Mini Racing Club)
Deputies:Johnny Andersen (Asker Mini Racing Club)
Frank Rødahl (Trondeim Bilbane Center)

Track info
Track connection: banana plug or XLR plug (POSITIV conection).
Polarity: + on the right side.
The black lane is 42 m and the red is 49 m.
The braids is even with the track surface.
European track rotation: black - yellow - orange - white - red - green - blue - purple

Race fee
200 EURO

Food and drinks
It will be possible to order a pizza buffet Friday evening at NOK 100,- per person, including one soft drink.
The buffet will be from 19.00.

On Saturday, we recommend breakfast at the Hotel, but there will be some food available at the track.

Included in the race fee is lunch and dinner on Saturday for all racers.
If there are additions to the teams, please send a note to the race organizer.
For teams bringing families, friends etc. that want to join in for lunch and/or dinner this will be fine, but please notify the organizers.

Local cultural performance at 12.00 on Saturday

It will be possible to buy soft drinks, beer and snacks at the track during the whole event.

Trondheim Bilbane Center has a slot shop for spare parts, but no guarantee that all possible spare part is in stock.

At the track, valid payment is credit card (Visa/MasterCard) or cash (Norwegian kroners).

E-mail to event organizer:

Below we present the 8 teams in the 2018 race

The teams from Denmark

SlotGear Racing:
Lars Jacobsen
Per Møller
Andreas Jacobsen
Søren Thomsen


Fælgen Motorsport:
Christian Høfler
Claus A Henriksen
Thorkild Hjorth Sørensen
Lasse Kristensen


The teams from Finland

Junior Team:
Venni Pitkänen (
Santeri Savikko (RiiUA)
Leevi Laurén (RiiUA)


Senior Team:
Kimmo Rautama (ARH Ry)
Jari Laakso (RiiUA)
Markus Nukari (LemUA)


The teams from Norway

Damstredet Racing:
Rolf K. Andersen
Roy Bråten
Geir Jensrud
Petter Krogstie


Trondheim Bilbane Center:
Anders Rønning
Thomas Aune
Svein Egil Refnes
Oddne Ervik

AndersThomasSvein EgilOddne

The teams from Sweden

Sweden 1:
Michael Landrud (Karlskoga SRC)
Bosse Åkesson (Malmö SRC)
Henrik Nielsen (MHF-u Ronneby)

Sweden 2:
Lars Harrysson (
Mikael Wingfors (Bjärke SCC)
Kevin Qvist (Karlskoga SRC)
